What to do When Something Inside You Dies | Qué hacer cuando algo en ti muere

By 28th July 2023 Uncategorised

A few years ago, I started to move in a fresh anointing. As I ministered in meetings, God came in His glory. People were having life-changing encounters in the presence of the Lord. It was remarkable.

Around the same time, my daughter Abby contracted a serious infection. For a couple of days, my husband and I watched her closely. I took her to the doctor, but they sent me home saying it was nothing.

The next day I texted my husband from work to ask how she was doing. His reply was blunt: “She hasn’t eaten. She hasn’t had a drink. She isn’t speaking.” I rushed home to find her lying motionless on the sofa.

I Cannot Face That Pain Again

I scooped her into my arms and when I looked into her eyes, I felt like I was staring death in the face. It was six years since the sister she never knew had died and I could not countenance losing another child.

We were met at the hospital by a team of doctors who were ready to treat her. Thankfully, we took our little girl home, fit as a fiddle, in a matter of days. Abigail was well, but the ordeal had battered me.

The Death Of My Dreams

My baby lived. However, something inside me had died. As I returned to ministry, the new anointing was gone. Prov 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”

It is not just that hope inspires us. Without it, we become disheartened. We lack motivation and discipline. Without a vision, we trudge aimlessly through life. You and I actually need a dream to become our best.

Unfortunately, the ups and downs of life can dampen our desire. For me, it was the trauma of Abigail’s illness. It literally took the life out of me. For you, it might be disappointment or delay.

The Pain Of Delay

Perhaps you set your heart on something, but it did not turn out the way you wanted. You hoped with all of your heart and then it all crashed around you. It must have been hard for Abraham to believe for a son for 25 years while Sarah grew old before his eyes.

After my daughter’s ordeal, I went to the Lord in prayer. I fell on my face in His presence and poured out my heart like water before Him. I realised that although I had been healed of the loss of my firstborn, the fear of death had tried to take hold of me.

Revive My Desires

I repented for not trusting the Lord and I told Him I was sorry for doubting His faithfulness. Then I asked the Spirit of God to restore my hopes and dreams. The Lord healed my heart of the trauma and then ignited my dreams afresh.

If you’ve had the wind knocked out of you, ask the Lord to heal your heart. Surrender your soul and ask Him to paint a picture of His purposes on your heart. If you get knocked down again, ask the Lord to heal again.

Disappointment and hurt can drown out hope and squash your dreams. To fulfill your purpose you need to pursue your dreams again. If you want to free your God-given destiny and be transformed by the Lord, join my mentoring network. It is open now for a September start.

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