The devil wants to discourage you. He will whisper doubts in your ears to make you give up. There are several words in the Bible translated as discourage. One means to weaken (rapa). Another means to faint (masas). A third means to cut down or shorten (qasar).
These definitions lay out satan’s plan for your life. The enemy wants you to throw in the towel. If he can’t get you to give up altogether, he wants you to slow down.
– Perhaps you were certain that you were about to get your breakthrough and then the cloud the size of a man’s hand floated back out to sea. Maybe everyone around you has been getting blessed while you have waited on the sidelines for what feels like an eternity.
– It could be that you have been standing in faith, but you just don’t know how much longer you will have to wait. Surely it should have happened by now?
– Perhaps people made cruel comments that caused you to crumple. Whatever caused it, remember that discouragement is dangerous. It wants you to slow down or give up.
We need faith and focus to fulfil our purpose so we cannot tolerate it in our hearts. Let’s look at three steps that will help you to kick discouragement out of your life.
Disappointment and delay sound harmless but they hurt. When we are weighed down with pain, it is very difficult to rise up in faith. Go to God and tell Him how you feel. Explain what has hurt you the most. Turn your pain into a prayer.
Buried pain is one of the main causes of discouragement. If you have been feeling down for a while, please make sure you register for today’s free event: REFRESH ONLINE. God will do more than you could ask or imagine.
Abraham & Sarah were promised they would have a son, however nothing happened for more than two decades. But because they stayed in faith, they held their baby boy.
David was given a word as a teenager that he would rule over Israel. After a brief period of prominence, everything went wrong and the young warrior spent 10 years on the run. Then a week after his darkest day, David was made King.
Joseph had a dream that he would be great, but spent 13 years as a slave and in prison. Then one day, he was promoted from prisoner to prime minister. The God who has done it for them will be faithful to you.
Go back to God’s promises to you. Dig out scriptures that confirm them. Remind yourself of every time that the Lord has come through. Shift your focus from your circumstances to His greatness and from the delay to His faithfulness.
It is time to defeat the devil by kicking discouragement out of your life. Rise up on the inside and rebuke every doubt.
Josh 1:9 says, “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed…” Take courage. God did it for Abraham, Joseph and David. He will come through for you.
If you want a fresh touch from God, don’t miss REFRESH ONLINE today! It’s free but you must register here. I have a word from heaven that will help you – book up and share with all your friends and family.
El diablo tratará de desanlentarte. El susurrará dudas a tu oído para que te des por vencido. En la biblia hay muchas palabras que traducen desaliento. Una es debilitar (rapa). Otra significa desmayar (masas). La tercera significa cortar o reducir (Qatar).
Estas definiciones nos muestra el plan de satanas para tu vida. El enemigo quiere que tires la toalla. Si el no consigue de te des por vencido, entonces te retrasará.
Quizá pensantes que obtendrías tu rompimiento, y la nube del tamaño de una mano se regresó al océano. Tal vez los que te rodean están recibiendo muchas bendiciones y tu espera en la línea de margen se siente como eternidad.
Pueda que estes de pie por Fe, pero no sabes cuanto más tiempo puedas esperar. Por cierto, ya debió haber tomado lugar?
Quizá algunas personas han hecho comentarios crueles que te han lastimado y se ha desplomado tu corazón. Cualquier sea la causa, recuerda que el desaliento es peligroso. Quiere detenerte y que te des por vencido.
Necesitamos Fe y enfoque para manifestar nuestro propósito y no podemos tolerar el desaliento en nuestro corazón. Miremos tres pasos que nos mostrará como sacar el desaliento de nuestra vida.
A abraham y Sarah le prometieron un hijo, pero nada tomo lugar hasta después de dos década. Por lo mismo ellos se mantuvieron en Fe, hasta que abrazaron a su niño.
David recibió una palabra en su adolescencia que gobernaría sobre Israel. Después de un corto tiempo de prominencia, todo empezó a salir mal y pasó 10 años huyendo. Una semana después de su día más oscuro, David le hicieron rey.
Jose tuvo un sueño grandioso, pero se pasó 13 años como esclavo y en prisión. Hasta que un día, lo promovieron de prisionero a primer ministro. El Dios que lo hizo por ellos, será fiel contigo.
Regresa a la promesa de Dios para tu vida. Consigue versos bíblicos que lo respalden, recuerda cada ves que el Señor a contestado una petición. Cambia el enfoque de tu circunstancia a Su grandeza y del retraso a Su fidelidad.
Es tiempo de vencer al diablo al sacar el desaliento de tu vida. Levántate desde adentro y reprende la duda.
Josue 1:9 dice “Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes, porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo en dondequiera que vayas.”
Si quieres un toque fresco en tu vida hoy es nuestro evento en línea REFRESH. Es gratis pero necesitas registrarte aquí. Tengo una palabra del cielo que te va ayudar- regístrate y comparte con tus amigos y familia.
Thank You.
So glad it helped