Family traditions can be great as long as they don’t cut across God’s purposes. Family was important to one of Israel’s greatest Kings, Jehoshaphat. But he seemed compelled to honor family, even if that meant dishonoring God. I think it was his blind spot.
Jehoshaphat felt obliged to support Ahab, Israel’s worst King, just because he was family. When Ahab asked, Jehoshaphat said yes and even went to war to help the wicked King. God sent a prophet to confront Jehoshaphat. Despite this, he continued to err in this area.
To me, the most tragic consequence of Jehoshaphat’s blind spot was his succession plan. This great King, who loved God with all His heart, made Jehoram king after him, just because he was his first born. 2 Chronicles 21:13 states that all his brothers were better than him but tradition said he should give the throne to his eldest.
Jehoram murdered his brothers (to remove any threat to the throne), married King Ahab’s daughter and worshipped idols. His son Ahaziah, Jehoshaphat’s grandson, was then made king. He was so wicked that God had to raise up King Jehu to destroy Ahab’s relatives including Ahaziah.
God sent the prophet to Jehoshaphat in the hope that he would surrender his weakness and allow the love of the Lord to change his heart. Instead, God had to raise up a man to cut off King Jehoshaphat’s only grandson.
During Jehoshaphat’s lifetime, the people flourished, but after his death, Judah paid a high price for their former leader’s blind spot. The issues that we don’t deal with will adversely affect the next generation.
You are made in the image of God. God is great and His plan for you is great. Proverbs 4:23 in the NLT says: “Guard your heart for it determines the course of your life.” Blind spots are heart issues and it’s your heart that determines if God’s plans will come to pass.
Maybe Jehoshaphat’s issue was fear of upsetting his family. Maybe he felt bound by traditions and was worried about going against the status quo. Either way, a small part of his heart was closed but the consequences were catastrophic.
The Bible says that our hearts are deceptive and asks, “Who can know his own heart?” (see Jer 17:9-10). Only the Lord knows our hearts fully. Ask Him to reveal any blind spots that are holding you back and ask Him to move in a new way in your life.
I can’t tell you how many times the Holy Spirit has revealed hidden issues that have been delaying God’s promises in my life. Every time He reveals, He then heals and I end up enjoying more peace & security and making new progress.
If you want God to do a fresh work in your life, come to one of our upcoming events: Restore (US) or Free to be me (UK), or get my course Dreamstealers Online. God will do more than you could ask or imagine and you will experience new joy and freedom.
Las tradiciones familiares son buenas siempre y cuando no afecten el propósito de Dios. La familia era muy importante para uno de los reyes más grandes de Israel, Josafat. El entendia la importancia de honrar la familia, inclusive por encima de la honra a Dios. Eso era su punto ciego.
Josafat se sentía obligado de apoyar a Acab, el peor rey de Israel, solo porque era familia. Cuando Acab pregunto, Josafat dijo si, e inclusive fue a la guerra para apoyarlo solo porque era familia. Dios envió un profeta para confrontar a Josafat. Sin embargo el continuo en su error.
Para mi lo peor del punto ciego de Josafat fue su plan de sucesión. Este gran rey, que amo a Dios con todo su corazón, escogió a Joram como su rey sucesor, por ser su primer hijo. 2 crónicas 21:13 nos relata que todos sus hermanos eran mejor que el, pero por tradición tenían que escoger al mayor.
Joram mato a todos sus hermanos (quitando del camino a todas la amenazas del trono) se casó con la hija de Acab y adoro sus ídolos. Su hijo Ocozias, nieto de Josafat, fue el siguiente rey. Fue tan perverso que Dios levantó al rey Jehú para que destruyera a Acab y a todos sus parientes incluyendo a Ocozias.
Dios envió a Josafat un profeta con la esperanza que se arrepintiera de su debilidad y le permitiera al amor del Dios sanar su corazón. Por lo contrario, Dios se levantó un rey para que cortara al nieto de Josafat que era el rey.
Durante el reinado que Josafat la gente floreció, pero después de su muerte, Juda pagó el alto precio del punto ciego de sus líderes. Las cuestiones que no arreglemos en el presente la enfrentará la siguiente generación.
La biblia dice que el corazón es engañoso, “quien conocerá su corazón?” (Ver Jeremías 7:9-10). Solo el Señor conoce el corazón hasta lo más profundo. Pidele a Dios que te revele el punto ciego que está en tu corazón que te retiene que alcanzar el nuevo mover de Dios para tu vida.
Si les contara las tantas veces que Dios ha revelado los puntos ciegos en mi corazón que me retenían manifestar el propósito de Dios para mi vida. Cada vez que el revela, el sana y nos permite disfrutar con paz y gozo haciendo nuevos progresos.
Si quieres que Dios haga un nuevo trabajo en tu vida, tenemos nuevos eventos o adquiere mi nuevo curso en línea “Dreamstelers” DIOS hará más de lo que pidas o imaginas experimentaras nuevos gozo y Libertad.
Thank you Jo
This is interesting. This was covered in 2 Chronicles, as my bible in a year reading today. I will be asking God what is this about.
It’s a fascinating story. God will reveal so much to you about the heart.