When I’ve had a hard day, there’s nothing like coming home into my husband’s arms. Even though nothing around me may have changed, everything feels better. It’s like that with the Lord. I absolutely love His presence. There is no atmosphere that feels so pure, no joy that is so peaceful. His presence is so very precious. Would you like more?
Hebrews 13:5b says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” That’s His promise and it’s very reassuring. It means that wherever we go, He will be with us. But that’s different to enjoying the atmosphere of heaven here on earth.
Many years ago, my husband and I were enjoying a vacation on the east coast of America. We rented a mobile home and we were touring. A few days in, I felt very dry spiritually and commented to Paul that I had hardly prayed all holiday. “Have you?” I asked, “Of course!” Was his response.
You see, to me, prayer was that hour that I would set aside. I would go into my prayer closet, talk to God, read the Bible and enjoy being with Him. Then I would leave my secret place and pay Him little or no attention until my next prayer time. That was my prayer-life.
Imagine what this is like to God. We come to our King, celebrate and love on Him and then leave. He never leaves us. So He follows us wherever we go, but we pay Him little or no attention. It would be like being in the same room as your friend or spouse all day long, and ignoring them.
James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” So He is always with us but not always so close to us. But He will draw near absolutely any time we want. To feel His presence and experience His love in any situation, all you need to do is draw near.
My husband and I were on the same vacation but having two very different experiences. Every time he was quiet, he was fellowshipping with the Spirit. He was worshipping in his heart and meditating on the word. I was just getting on with life. I was not drawing near.
Fast forward to today…. Most mornings, my first thought is, “I love you so much Lord.” I’m drawing near, so His presence comes close. When I’m washing, I’m worshipping. As I’m walking, I’m thanking the Lord for His goodness.
No wonder it’s so easy to enjoy Him in my secret place and hear Him as I read the Word. We have already been fellowshipping. Even at the office, all it takes is a longing from within. As you reach out on the inside, He draws near. As you wait in line at the grocery store, tell Him you love Him.
I want to courage you to make your heart a mobile home for the presence of God. In my next blog, I’m going to look at some attitudes that push the Spirit away and some that draw His presence close. You will be amazed at how much more wonderful life will be when He is close at all times.
If you would like the Holy Spirit to rejuvenate you from the inside out, I encourage you to read My Whole Heart. There is a whole chapter on this topic. And come to Fixing the Foundations, you will be amazed at the depth of restoration and refreshing you will receive.
Jo I like to read your blogs as I find them helpful and honest. Helen
Yes thanks. Helen Facey
Thank you
I really needed this. I could not enjoy ANYTHING and always felt behind if I did not spend quality time in God’s presence.
I would find myself upset and impatient. In fact, my entire day was ruined if I did not spend time worshipping the Lord.
On vacations, my wife seemed at peace. I wondered, “Why?” How could she have peace and enjoy anything without spending much time with the Lord.
This is so helpful to me! Thank you for the revelation!