So many times I have asked God the same question: “When?” … When is my breakthrough going to happen? When are things going to get easier? When is this situation going to turn around?
If we are fighting the same battles day in day out, we can end up feeling weary. If we are knocking but doors aren’t opening, it can be discouraging.
If we keep believing for the promise to come to pass but only experience delays and disappointments, it can be really disheartening.
We all know the stories of the chick and the butterfly. They have something in common. They both have to fight for the strength to fly.
Scientists tell us that if you were to cut a chrysalis open to enable a butterfly to escape the pain and pressure of pounding its way out, it would never fly.
If you were to carefully crack open an egg to help a chick to freedom, it would never build up the necessary strength to soar. It would live life on a lower plane.
It is the same for you and me. The struggle and strain of pushing in prayer develop the strength we need for the next level. Getting back up again and again after disappointment creates the determination we need for our promotion.
Patience can be defined as trusting in God’s timing. One of the greatest expressions of our heart-felt faith in God is the ability to pray, “Not my timescale Lord, but yours!”
In our fast-food, microwave society, we are used to having everything immediately. However, there are certain character traits that only patience can produce.
Remember, patience isn’t passive. It it is choosing to believe that God knows best. It is praising Him while we wait. It is fuelling our faith with the Word and persistently praying.
I don’t know what you have been waiting for. However, I can assure you that God is faithful. Joseph suffered 13 years of soul-destroying captivity.
Then the day came. It probably seemed like any other day. Joseph woke up in the morning as a prisoner but by evening, he had been made Prime Minister.
What God did for him, He can do for you. All that God asks is that we trust Him and stay strong in faith. Galatians 6:9 says: “Do not grow weary while doing good for you shall reap in due season if you do not lose heart.”
Why not recommit every plan and purpose of your Life to the Lord afresh. Tell Him in prayer that you want His perfect timing. The more you are healed of hidden hurts, the more ready you will be for your destiny. Come to Healed for Life for a spiritual service for your soul.
And remember, God is able to turn everything around in an instant – when you are ready. He is always faithful. My book Doorway to Your Destiny is based on Joseph’s journey and shows you how to accelerate your transformation so that you will be ready for your purpose.