Recently, I found myself slipping into discouragement as I surveyed the vast array of obstacles and challenges I was facing. As I considered my circumstances, God began to speak…
Worry usually starts with a whisper. Yes, of course, something happens that stresses us: the boss piles an extra load on us; an unexpected bill lands on our lap; or a report from the doctor isn’t what we wanted.
But just at the moment when the curve ball comes our way, we hear a whisper in our ear: “This is too much. I can’t take it anymore. It’s not fair. I’ve had enough…”
The whisper is a lie that seeks to squash your faith and steal your joy so that you miss out on God’s best. I want to explain each point in that statement.
The lie
The whisper is not true. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that we will not be tested beyond what we can bear. That means that you can handle this. It is not too much. You are well able. If you follow God’s guidance, you will come out the other side of this trial stronger than ever.
Your faith
Faith is the currency of the kingdom. We need faith to accomplish anything of value in life. We got saved by faith, we receive healing by faith, we conquer our dreams by faith.
When Jesus predicted that Peter would deny Him, Jesus told Peter that He had prayed that his faith would not fail. Jesus knew that Peter’s faith was under attack.
The purpose of the lie whispered in your ear is to undermine your faith. The devil wants you to give in to doubt. Why? Because your faith is what you need to turn your situation around. Your faith can move mountains.
The power of joy
We need strength at all times – but especially when times are tough. The devil wants you and I to be weak so that we will give up. The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is your strength. So satan also wants to steal your joy in order to make you weak.
Our response
So what should we do when we hear that voice telling us it’s all too much?
1. Reply
First, speak back! Tell the devil and remind yourself that you are well able. The Bible says that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
2. Remember
God is a good father. I know that He has come through for you many times before. Remind yourself of the goodness of God. Then remember God’s promises to you. Choose to believe the report of the Lord.
3. Rejoice
The best way to inject yourself with joy is to praise God. Sing your favourite praise song or quote an uplifting psalm. Praise generates joy. Joy produces strength and when you’re strong, you will find it easier to resist satan’s schemes to get you down.
I ended my prayer time that day with a smile on my face thanking God for His faithfulness and strength. He who has begun a good work in you and for you will be faithful to complete it!
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