We are called to walk by faith and the Bible says that faith is a fight. That means we will go through many tests and trials in life. You may be in a battle right now.
You could be contending for your health, you might be fighting for finances to pay off debts. You may be battling over family or ministry. Perhaps your struggle is with work.
Chapter & verse
The first step towards winning any faith battle is to get chapter and verse. Every time the enemy attacks, you need a word from the Lord. If you’re believing to achieve big goals, you need a scripture to stand on.
Trying to fight a spiritual battle without a word would be a like a soldier going to war without a weapon. Ephesians 6 says our sword is His word. That is how we get the victory.
If you are going through a tough time, ask God for a specific scripture for this season. If you’re fighting over finances, it could be, “My God shall supply all your needs.”
If you’re contending for your health, it may be “By His stripes, we are healed.” Once you have received a word, stand on it, pray it, think it and believe it!
Doubt destroys
Very often, we hear a message in church and feel full of faith. We are strong when we are praying. Then doubts and fears creep in and we churn inside.
James 1:6-8 says, “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord…”
Doubt nullifies our prayers. We need to drive doubt out of our life so that we can win every fight of faith. I want to give you a few pointers for dealing with doubt and fear.
Thoughts – When worries or fears try to creep in, make a decision to dwell on God’s word instead. Give your concerns to the Lord in prayer then picture His promises coming to pass.
At Night – If you find yourself awake at night, disturbed by doubts or full of fear, stop your thoughts in their tracks. Give your fears to God and then start to think about God’s word to you. Praise God for the glory stories to come.
Remember – Finally, in the midst of the battle remind yourself of every time God has come through for you. Recount every testimony you have heard from others. Think about the goodness of God.
Romans 10:9 shows us that faith is of the heart. If your heart is healed of hurts and pains, it is easier to believe. I encourage you to allow God to continue the work on the inside so that you can rise up strong.