Years ago during dinner with friends, my 9 year old daughter asked: “Mummy, why do you eat with your mouth open?” This was followed by an exaggerated impersonation!
“Abigail, don’t be rude!” I retorted, “I don’t eat with my mouth open, do I, daddy?” I was shocked at my husband’s response. “I gave up trying to change your eating habits 15 years ago!”
I was appalled: “I don’t know what you mean!” Then I thought about the people I had dined with: family, friends, pastors, co-workers… In the end I gave up protesting and decided to work on this (occasional) ugly habit.
It was awful to have something embarrassing pointed out by a child, but it was worth it. In 2 weeks, I cracked the problem. As a result of my daughter’s brutal honesty, I am now a more sociable eater.
Prov 6:23 says, “Corrective discipline is the way to life.” This tells us that correction is the route to a great life. Rebukes help us understand our mistakes & change so that we can become the people we need to be to fulfill our potential.
Most of us have experienced correction. Perhaps your spouse has pointed out your inadequacies or a friend has exposed secret faults. Maybe a leader has highlighted a weaknesses. The truth is that not many of us like having our attitudes or behavior challenged.
When an army is under attack, it must defend itself. So why is it that many of us react as though we are under siege when friends, bosses, or spouses speak into our lives?
One reason is words. Maybe as you were growing up, parents, teachers or friends hurt you with their words. Perhaps you have been wounded as an adult.
Prov 12:18 says, “There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword.” Words can be like arrows. They can hurt our feelings, squash our dreams & crush our confidence.
If you’ve suffered verbal attacks in the past, when you hear correction, you may see a gun to your head. At the first sign of negativity, you resist. You protect yourself against attack.
We can end up thinking correction is a weapon. We build walls and defence mechanisms to repel what we imagine are the attacks of others.
If you have been hurt by words, ask God to heal your heart. We all need correction to become our best. Without it, we will struggle to fulfill our destiny.
I minister to hurts caused by words & 2 other reasons we resist correction in my video course Dreamstealers Online. It will reveal why you are the way you are and bring healing to many areas of your life so that you can fulfill your destiny. It’s just £24.50 | $29.50 (down from £75 | $84) during lockdown.
Años atrás cuando mi hija tenía 9 años , me pregunto: “mami porque comes con la boca abierta?” Y esto fue seguido por una personificación muy exagerada.
“Abigail, no seas grosera.” Le conteste. “Cierto, que yo no como con la boca abierta, papi?” A lo que mi esposo contestó. “ Me di por vencido de querer cambiar tus hábitos al comer 15 años atrás.”
Yo estaba horrorizada. “No se a que te refieres.”Pensé en todas las personas con que he comido, familia, amigos, pastores, compañeros de trabajo. Deje de protestar y decidí trabajar en cambiar este mal hábito (ocasional).
Fue terrible el señalamiento de una niña, pero era valioso. En dos semanas habría corregido el problema. Como resultado a la honestidad brutal de mi hija, ahora soy una mejor comedora social.
La mayoría de nosotros hemos experimentado corrección. Quizás su cónyuge le a mencionado sus deficiencias o un amigo ha expuesto sus fallas secretas. Quizá un líder ha mencionado sus debilidades. La verdad es que nadie le gusta que le confronten con sus hábitos y comportamientos.
Cuando un ejército está bajo ataque, necesita defenderse. Porque muchos de nosotros reaccionamos como si nos tuvieran en estado de sitio cuando jefes, amigos, cónyuges nos hablan de nuestra vida?
Una razón es las palabras. Quizá mientras crecías, tus padres, maestros, amigos te hirieron con palabras. Tal vez te han lastimado con palabras ahora de adulto.
Si has sufrido de ataques verbales en el pasado, cuando escuchas corrección es como si te apuntaran con una pistola en la cara. En la primera señal de negatividad, haces resistencia. Te proteges en contado ataques.
Podemos pensar que la corrección es un arma. Levantamos paredes y mecanismos de defensa para rechazar lo que percibimos como ataques.
Si las palabras te han lastimado, Dios quiere sanar tu corazón. Todos necesitamos corrección para sacar lo mejor de nosotros. Sin ella, nos va a costar manifestar nuestro destino.
Yo ministro en las heridas causadas por las palabras y otras 2 razones porque resistimos la corrección en mi clase en vídeo en linea “ladron de sueños.” Te revelara porque eres de la manera que eres traerá sanidad a esa área de tu vida para que manifiestes tu destino. Por el valor de £24.50 o $29.50 (rebajado de £75/$84) durante la cuarentena.
Amen and Praise to God.
I remember the key messages above from your Dreamstealers book. I will follow up on the bible readings for myself. Then hope to reinforce this message with my children especially my (sensitive) teenage daughter so that she may experience genuine corrections as coming from a place of love and concern rather than from a place of ill intentions where it is undermining and unhealthy.
Thank you, Pstr Jo.
Praise God, I’m so glad this is helpful. Every blessing