By 28th October 2023 Uncategorised

Elisha’s first miracle after parting the Jordan helped an entire city. The rulers of a region came to him and said, “Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren.” 2 Kings 2:19

Stop for a moment and think about this. The town was set in stunning surroundings. It seemed to have everything going for it. On the outside, all looked well and yet there was a problem beneath the surface.


That is often our story. To the outside world, our lives look good. Perhaps you are successful by most people’s standards. Maybe your marriage or family looks like a bed of roses. You may appear to have it all together. But beneath the surface, there is another story of strain or sadness.

The temptation when we are struggling is to try to sort out the symptoms. We are feeling wounded so we try to move on. We can’t handle family friction so we stay late at the office. We feel undervalued so we strive for success to prove our worth. We feel insecure so we seek reassurance.


Elisha refused to be distracted by the symptoms. He did not look at the barren ground or the polluted rivers. 2 Kings 2:21 says: “He went out to the source of the water, cast in the salt there, and said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.”

I was chatting to the leaders of our marriage ministry a while back. After years of counselling, they believe that 90% of marriage problems are rooted in unhealed hurts. They affect our outlook & beliefs. We end up seeing the words and actions of our loved ones through a damaged lens.


Why not ask God to go to the source of your issues? When we allow Him to deal with the roots of our problems, we don’t have to continually tackle bitter fruit. When we allow the Lord to go the cause of our turmoil, we won’t be constantly struggling with symptoms.
Let’s look at the prayer that Rebecca prayed in Genesis. She was pregnant but something didn’t feel right. We don’t know whether she was in pain or just churning. However, she prayed a monumental prayer:

“If all is well, why am I like this?” Genesis 25:22. God answered and showed her the root of her inner turmoil: she was carrying twins! If you pray that prayer, you will be amazed at what God will expose.


Perhaps you are afraid of speaking publicly. Maybe you constantly compare yourself with others. You could feel a sadness beneath the surface or be struggling in your relationships. Whatever the issue, ask God, “If all is well, then why am I like this?” He will reveal the root & heal your heart.

The healing of your heart is not a one-off encounter, it is a journey. If you’re within reach of London or Miami, book FREE TO BE ME before it’s too late. God will heal the hidden hurts that have affected your view of your value.

And if you have children, please book for them to attend our twinned healing conference so that your whole family can experience a life-affirming touch from God. You will all see the benefits for years to come.

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