No-one gets by without having to deal with discouragement. We have dreams and desires, often planted in our hearts by God, but the process of praying for them to come to pass can be painful.
Desire, by definition, produces a longing for fulfilment. That’s all very exciting when we see the outcome quickly. However, if you are anything like me, you may feel that you have faced your fair share of delays and disappointments.
Proverbs 13:12 in the Message Bible says: “Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick.”
Sometimes a final straw seems to break the proverbial camel’s back. One last letdown may have knocked your confidence. Perhaps a devastating delay has choked your hope. You’re left downbeat and disheartened.
The danger
You might not think that discouragement is a serious problem. However, countless destinies have doubtless drowned in the sea of dismay. If we look at two Bible definitions, it may help us to understand why…
One Hebrew word for discourage is rapa. It means to weaken, to forsake, to let go and to slacken. Discouragement weakens our resolve and can even cause us to forsake our dreams. Another Hebrew word is masas which means to faint, to melt, to dissolve, to waste away.
Discouragement is dangerous. It can cause us to give up on our goals and quit our fight for fulfilment. If the enemy can keep you down and disheartened, defeat is far too likely.
Across the pond
I knew for many years that my books needed to be distributed in America. But as an English lady with a predominantly English ministry, I couldn’t see how this was possible. Year after year, one of my goals was to secure a US publisher.
I would start strong in faith in January, however as October, November and then December drew near, my heart would begin the slippery slope to discouragement.
I had tried everything to get my books in front of the publishing company I knew was right for me. Yet every time I knocked, there was a deafening silence on the other side of the door.
Don’t let go
Still, something inside me refused to let go of my dream. I kept believing even when I wanted to give up. I would go back to God’s promises and remind myself that He is able and He is faithful.
During 2014, our church hosted Apostle Guillermo Maldonado from Miami, Florida. As the days drew near for us to welcome him, we received a list of the guests he would be bringing to England.
It just so happened that the CEO of that same publishing company decided to join Maldonado on this one trip!
As he stepped into Harvest Church London, he reached out his hand to me with a warm smile and said, “Hi, we need to talk about your books.” The rest, as they say, is history.
1000 ways
God used a spare rib to create a perfect woman. He used a wooden stick to part a powerful sea. He made water flow from a rock and sent ravens to feed his prophet. That same God has 1000 ways to bring you your breakthrough.
Just as the Lord brought the CEO of a publishing company all the way across the Atlantic for me, so God will move heaven and earth for you, if you will remain in faith. Go back to His promises and believe.
If you realise that you’re contending with discouragement or disappointment, I want to encourage you to come to Healed for Life. God will do a wonderful work and you will leave refreshed and ready for fight for your dreams.