Our view of ourselves creates an invisible boundary around our lives. Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is the man. Whether we realise it or not, we all have inner pictures. A view of who we really are, irrespective of what others see.
Even as an adult, for a long time I felt like a child. In my late twenties, I worked for a top Public Relations firm and had to attend a meeting with a CEO of a fast growing company. As I sat in his office offering communications advice, I felt like a fraud.
How could someone small like me offer a successful man anything? It didn’t matter that my boss believed in me because I didn’t believe in myself. I didn’t make much progress in that season.
The same was true with church. I felt inadequate and I was a bit embarrassed about leading. I worried that people wouldn’t want to be pastored by me. I could cope with guiding women of a similar age to myself. Anyone else? They were out of my zone so I fumbled my way through.
When we feel little on the inside, we come across as small to others. When we believe that we will bungle everything up, we falter and fail all too easily.
The problem is that God has a plan for each one of us. We need to be sure of who we are so that we can fulfil our true potential. God had to heal my heart of every hurt that made me believe that I was not able. He had to change my inner picture so that I could rise up and fulfill my purpose.
Many people struggle year in, year out to lose weight. But if you think of yourself as big, then however hard you try, you will probably end up reflecting the image in the mirror of your heart. This principle affects every area of our lives.
We can pray for promotion or for increase on every side, but if we don’t think we deserve that breakthrough, our inner picture will keep us hemmed in. Until we can easily imagine ourselves thriving in that new job or leading that amazing ministry, we will probably continue waiting. But when we are healed enough deep down, then we will attract an abundant life, we will set elves up to enjoy God’s best.
What are the promises that God has given to you? What are the aims that you long to achieve? Look inside and ask yourself whether your inner picture is of someone able, strong and ready. If it’s not, it’s time to ask God to do another work within.
Our new event Free to be Me is focused on bringing healing to the hurts that damage our view of ourselves. It will be a life changing day, so if you’re in the UK, book your space before we are full. We will follow all government guidelines to help keep everyone safe.
Enrollment is open for my new mentoring network which will help you to become the person who can fulfill your destiny, check it out here. Finally, if you enjoyed this, please hit the heart button at the top of this blog.
Nuestra opinión de nosotros mismos crea una barrera alrededor de nuestras vidas. Prov 23:7 dice que lo que el hombre piensa de si mismo así el es. Nos demos cuenta o no, todos tenemos fotos internas. La opinión de quienes somos realmente, sin importar lo que otros vean.
Siendo un adulto me sentía como una niña. Al final de mis veinte, trabajé para una firma de relaciones públicas, tuve que asistir a una reunión con el director ejecutivo de una compañía grande. Mientras estaba sentada en esa reunión dando consejos me sentía un fraude.
Como alguien tan pequeño como yo, podría dar consejo a un hombre grande y exitoso? No importaba que mi jefe creyera en mi, yo no creía en mi misma. Yo no avancé mucho en esa estación.
Muchos luchan cada año de comienzo a fin para bajar peso. Si te consideras ti mismo como alguien gordo, no importa lo duro que trabajes, probablemente proyectaremos en el espejo la imagen que está en el corazón. Este principio afecta todas las áreas de la vida.
Podemos orar por promoción y aumento en todo, pero si no nos creemos merecedores del rompimiento, nuestra opinión nos retendrá. Hasta que nos veamos avanzando en ese trabajo, liderando ese ministerio maravilloso, probablemente seguiremos esperando. Cuando estamos lo suficientemente sanos, podremos sumergirnos en esa vida abundante, nos posicionáremos para disfrutar lo mejor de Dios.
Que promesas Dios te ha dado? A que estás apuntando para alcanzar? Mira tu foto interna y evalúa si es alguien que se considera capaz, fuerte y listo. Si no es así, es tiempo de pedirle a Dios que trabaje en tu interior.
Toma mi libro “LIMPIEZA DEL ALMA” pídele a Dios que escudriñe lo más profundo de ti y te prepare para tu destino. Si disfrutaste este blog presiona el corazón al principio y comparte en redes sociales.