My background is in PR which meant being an expert in Reputation Management. I devised plans to help organisations become renowned in their sector. Building reputations was my job.
Making a good impression is important to most of us. The opinions of other people drive many of our decisions. We seek to avoid doing or saying things that will make us appear weak or foolish.
Reputation in Tatters
Yet Jesus chose to make Himself of no reputation. It’s not just that He was uninterested in reputation, He actively pulled His apart. It’s not just that He served, He sought to be seen as a common servant.
Philippians 2:7 in the Amplified says that Jesus: “… Stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave)…”
He refused the privileges that His position afforded. He stripped Himself of anything that might make Him appear dignified. Jesus wanted to come across as a nobody.
Unqualified Courtesy
Jesus did not flash His intelligence in order to be admired. He did not interject into conversations to show His spirituality. He never demonstrated His power to look good. When Jesus considered His reputation, His goal was to be looked upon as a servant.
Humility doesn’t mean we avoid confrontation or keep a low profile. Jesus was both assertive and famous. However, He was constantly considering the needs of others above His own. That’s the posture of a servant. They exist to make other people’s lives easier.
Titus 3:2b instructs us to: “…Show unqualified courtesy toward everybody.” I love this statement. It asks me to be kind to shop assistants who make mistakes with my bills. It expects me to be patient with waiting staff who are slow or with drivers who are rude.
It’s probably easy to be courteous towards people we admire. But how do we treat those that can do nothing for us? How do we humble ourselves and serve those who we do not like much? Pray today and ask the Lord to show you someone you can serve, as an act of humility.
Worth Comes First
There is an important prerequisite to true humility: we must know our worth. Jesus knew He was a Son, so He could lower Himself as a servant. When you understand you are a dearly loved child of God, it becomes easier to humble yourself and be a nobody.
If serving makes you feel like a doormat, you probably need healing. If lowering yourself confirms your poor self-image, you need to ask God to restore your self-worth. Stay on your healing journey until you know your value. Then it will become easier to follow in Jesus’s footsteps.
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Mi transfondo es en relaciones públicas. Me especializo en relaciones públicas corporativas lo que significa que soy una experta en manejar la reputación. Yo aconsejo planes de cómo ayudar a organizaciones a que tengan mejor renombre en su sector. Levantar y crear reputación era mi trabajo.
Causar una buena impresión es importante para la mayoría de nosotros. Opinión de las personas que nos rodean muchas veces dirige nuestras decisiones. Buscamos y evitamos que hacer o qué decir para no lucir como personas débiles o tontas.
Reputación en andrajos
Aunque la Biblia dice que Jesús buscó no tener reputación para sí mismo. No podemos asumir que a él no le interesaba la reputación, el activamente demostraba que era diferente. Ya solamente que el servía, el buscaba servir a gente del común.
Filipenses 27 en la versión amplificada dice que Jesús: “… Se despojó a sí mismo y todo privilegio y derecho de dignidad, y asumió el vestido de ciervo (esclavo)…“
El comenzó abrazarse a sus privilegios y de su posición que él poseía. Él se despojó de sí mismo de todo lo que podría darle la apariencia de dicho. Y después el abrazo una persona particular. Cuándo miramos la palabra vestirse se refiere a una apariencia general. Jesús quería lucir delante de todos como un do nadie.
La cortesía no calificada
Jesús no usaba toda su inteligencia para ser admirado. El no participaba en conversaciones para mostrar su espiritualidad. El nunca demostró su poder para verse bien. Cuándo Jesús consideraba su reputación, su meta era ser visto como siervo.
Significa que usted Jesús era tan asertivo como famoso. Sin embargo, él era constantemente considerado con las necesidades de los demás por encima de la suyas. Ésa era la postura del infierno el existía para hacer la vida de otros mucho más fácil.
Tito 3:2b nos instruye: “… Muestra cortesía sin calificación para todos los demás.“ Me gusta esta declaración. Me está pidiendo que yo sea gentil con aquel asistente de compras que comete un error con mi factura. El espera que yo sea paciente mientras espero por un empleado que es un poco lento o con un conductor que es un poco rudo.
Probablemente si es fácil ser cortés hacia las personas que admiramos. Pero como tratamos aquellos que no hacen nada por nosotros? Cómo nos podemos humillar y servir a aquellos que no admiramos ni un poco?
Hay un requisito importante para la verdadera humildad: primero necesitamos a ver nuestra valía. Jesús sabía que era el hijo de Dios, así que él podía rebajarse a ser un siervo. Cuando nosotros entendemos que somos los hijos amados de Dios, entonces se nos hace fácil humillarnos y ser nadie.
Tu valía
Si service te hace sentir como un tapete, probablemente necesitas sanidad. Si rebajarte confirma que sientes que tu imagen se apaga, necesitas ponerle a Dios que te restaure tu ayuda. Sostente en tu desarrollar hasta que sepas cuál es tu valor. Entonces será mucho más fácil seguir los pasos de Jesús.
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Oh how I have been. learning this and have realised the joy of serving. Each opportunity God teaches me the value and reiterates my worth in and through Him.
Powerful words of wisdom and encouragement. We need to daily remind ourselves of our worth in Christ, renewing our minds so our behaviours exhibit only that.
Love the blog, Pastor Jo
Love this…I’m new to REALLY learning the Bible as I should. I’m in your healed for life these last couple days and I wish I was fast enough to scribble a lot of your bible verses about healing the heart and what certain people in the Bible went through. I would go. I would go back and underline etc…to be able to back and reference.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about humility and it’s role in Jesus’ ministry. I have not read much about humility and meekness or heard much about it either over the years. So, when I began reading your message, I was truly interested. Jesus’ humility and servant role are obvious Biblical characteristics, but like so much that is contrary to our human nature, it is seldom emphasized from the pulpit. How can a leader serve everyone, yet be respected and admired? Few leaders are seen getting their hands “dirty” among those who are serving their mutual cause. That is why so many want to be the leader. We need You Jesus. Let us do more to try it Your way.
Thank you for this Pastor Jo and so needed. We can work so hard to build up a positive reputation and often be loathe to ‘sacrifice’ it to adopt a posture of humility/meekness. Very ‘counter-cultural in the world/society. I liked the fact that you highlighted certain feelings that might come up if we are in a perpetual place of serving or lowering ourselves; i.e. it may be an indication of a need for healing of a poor self-image/lack of self-worth/feeling like a doormat. In a culture where we are told to sell ourselves, focus on our ‘brand’, it’s so releasing to know that the LORD’s way although seen as ‘foolishness to the world’ is the freeing way. Bless you.